Kentucky Morning
7*ELITE, 3*BEST, 2*NICE, 2*PonyIsland Champion, The Best Horse in Galopp Category, 1st Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, NICE horse in Okinawa *színkategóriás küllemverseny, NICE in Okinawa, 2nd Placed Horse in Competition Around The World, Best Horse in Dublin Category, Elite Galopp Horse in Valley of Champions, Elite Appearance Horse in Valley of Champions, 2*ELITE HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE, ELITE ló a Garfield küllem versenyen, BEST ló a Garfield galopp versenyen, ABSOLUTELY CHAMPION, 3rd placed in Appearance with Seasons, 3rd placed on Run From Fear, Nice Survival, Absolute Winner on Golden Horse Gallop Race, 1st placed on Golden Horse Gallop Race, 1st Placed of Appearance in New York,The Most Beautiful Galopp Horse, 1st Placed of GaloppRace in the Pyrenees, The Best Horse of the Alps,
Összesen: 16 db | Galopp: 8 db | Küllem: 8 db
1. hely: 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, galopp, hosszútáv kat.
1. hely: ELITE Opening Competition, galopp, 2000 m *Abszolút győztes
1. hely: ELITE Opening Competition, küllem, mén kat.
1. hely: 7 Month Appearance, galopp kat.
1. hely: 7 Month Appearance, küllem kat.
1. hely Garfield Competition, küllem kat.
1. hely: Golden Horse Galopp Race, hosszútáv kat. *Abszolút győztes
1. hely: Appearance in New York, Times Square kat.
1. hely: Galopprace in the Pyreness, 2000 m
2. hely: Garfield Competition, galopp kat.
2. hely: Competition Around the World, galopp kat.
3. hely: Színkategóriás Küllem, sárga kat.
3. hely: Appearance with Seasons, nyár kat.
3. hely: Run From Fear, A Banshee-sikolya, hosszútáv kat.
4. hely: Weekly Competition I., galopp, hosszútáv kat.
7. hely: Weekly Competition I., küllem, telivérek kat.