Sultan al Hakim
2*ELITE, 4*GOOD, NICE, Beautiful Horse in Dressage Horses Category, 2nd Placed of 1st Stage in Vuelta 2011, Champion Desert Jumping Stallion, Nice Horse in Jumper Horses Category, 3rd Placed of 2nd Stage in Vuelta 2011, BETTER, Better in WLE, 2nd Appearance Stallion, Good in WLE, 3rd Dressage Beginner, Faster Horse in Free Jumping, 2nd Placed of TimeTrial Jumping 2011, 4th Placed of TimeTrial Jumping 2011, Beautiful on Community Page Appearance, 2nd on Community Page Appearance in Facebook Category, Good in Vollblut 'Wanshinn', Best Horse in Hoof Appearance, 1st in 4 Hoof on the ground Category, Better,Better Arabian Horse,2nd in Arabians Meet, Nouvelle Champion, 2nd in Showtime Dressage, Nicehorse on Bank Appearance in Salyza Lk., 3rd in OTP Category on Bank Appearance, Nice, Best horse on Dressage with Planets in Salyza Lk., 1st in Vénusz (kezdő) Category on Dressage with Planets, Third Best Horse in My Horse and Me Category (Branch Appearance, with horse PC games caterories, Good, Nice, Pretty Horse and Human Animal in Friendship Appearance, 2nd placed in Opening Cup of Redcross Racepark, Redcross Champion, Good Jumping Horse in M'sM
Összesen: 18 db | Díjlovaglás: 3 db | Díjugratás: 4 db | Szabadonugrás: - db | Küllem: 11 db
1. hely: Hoof Appearance, 4 pata van a földön kat.
1. hely: Dressage with Planes
2. hely: Community Page Appearance, Facebook kat.
2. hely: 1st Stage in Vuelta, Valencia, díjlovak kat.
2. hely: Dressage & Appearance, küllem, mén kat.
2. hely: Arabian's Meet
2. hely: Opening Cup
2. hely: Showtime Dressage
2. hely: TimeTrial Jumping Cup, Rhine Valley Cup kat.
3. hely: 2nd Stage in Vuelta, ugrólovak kat.
3. hely: Vollblut 'Wanshinn, küllem, mén, 3. csoport
3. hely: Bank Appearance
3. hely: Branch Appearance, PC categories kat.
3. hely: Friendship Appearance
3. hely: Dressage & Appearance, díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
4. hely: TimeTrial Jumping Cup, Werdenber Castle Trophy kat.
4. hely: I. Desert Challenge, díjugratás, Jinnee CSIO* kat.
4. hely: VII. Mistrals Show Jumping, kezdő kat.