Storm's Breeze
2*ELITE, GOOD, EXCELLENT, BETTER, 3rd Placed Horse in French Appearance, Good Appearance Horse, Nice Horse, Best Appearance Horse in FL, Funny Lime Champion, Excellent Western Horse in FL, Winner in Appearance with Seasons, 1st placed in Appearance with Seasons, Cute Horse in the Appearance Show for Everybody, 2nd placed in Appearance Category
Összesen: 7 db | Western: 2 db | Küllem: 5 db
1. hely: Weekly Competition I., küllem, egyéb kat.
1. hely: Appearance with Seasons, nyár kat.
2. hely: Big Salim Cup, western kat.
2. hely: Weekly Competition I., egyéb, western kat.
2. hely: Appearance Show for Everybody, Champion of the Others kat.
2. hely: Autumn Horse Cup, küllem kat.
3. hely: French Appearance, küllem, mén kat.